Total Medals Earned: 1,991 (From 275 different games.) Total Medal Score: 33,240 Points
Medals Earned: 7/9 (210/410 points)
Teritories completed 7
Cards Owned 10
Teritories completed 15
Hero Cleared 2
Cards Owned 20
CaveTrial 2 completed
Hero Cleared 6
Cards Owned 30
CaveTrial 5 completed
Medals Earned: 8/9 (380/480 points)
Completed Phantom Ghost Stage
Destroy Trojan Army
Defeat GoblinMadness Stage
Unlock All Upgrades
Defeat BigBang Stage
Clear All Hard Mode
Clear All Epic Mode
Medals Earned: 6/8 (125/275 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/17 (10/260 points)
Complete any stage as Cain
You deserve this medal because YOU are awesome! (Play for the first time)
Complete any stage as Quorum
Complete any stage as Lochia
Complete any stage as Ternatea
Complete any stage as Mikazuki
Complete any stage as Zach
Complete any stage as Nephila
Break 30 dummies in the Training Room
Complete Act 1 with no deaths
Complete any stage as Medium
Complete Act 5 without being hit by flying archangels
Defeat the Fantasy Animus in Act 4
Defeat the Thanatos Animus in Act 6
Complete Act 2 with no deaths
Don't lose any golem in Act 4
Complete Act 3 with no deaths
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/50 points)
Let's Go!
First you get the money...
+1 to being progressive!
A brave trooper in the war against sexism.
Got a Pizza dat ass! Get it?
Medals Earned: 2/7 (30/225 points)
Survive 17 seconds on easy mode
Survive 5 seconds on hard mode
Survive 60 seconds on easy mode
Survive 120 seconds on easy mode
Survive 15 seconds on hard mode
Survive 30 seconds on hard mode
Medals Earned: 35/51 (350/500 points)
After Beetlejuice
Good Work, All Right Answers
Medals Earned: 11/38 (110/480 points)
Win game with at last 15 points
Win game with 25 points or more
Find the 3 hidden stars
Win the game with all right answers
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/310 points)
Make 250 points in Level 1.
Gets 2 bombs on Level 5.
Make 6 double points In level 7.
Do 2 Good moves at level 13.
Make 2400 points in Level 10.
Get 11 Combo on Level 19.
Do 4 Good moves at level 21.
Make 8 double points In level 16.
Make 15 double points In level 23.
Gets 2 bombs and 9 double points in level 29.
Win all levels of the game.
Medals Earned: 1/30 (5/500 points)
Earn 500 XP or more in one day.
Protect the Helicopter for 7 days.
Pick up 50 Dog Tags.
Buy every sentry and landmines.
Kill 500 enemies.
Buy every perk.
Kill 30 enemies or more in one day.
Buy every Weapon.
Survive 10 days.
Protect the Helicopter for 14 days.
Enabled the Developer Console.
Upgrade every Weapon to level 3.
Survive 20 days.
Pick up 200 Dog Tags.
Earn 1000 XP or more in one day.
Use the console to give yourself Torrunt's Super Assault Rifle.
Kill 50 enemies or more in one day.
Survive 30 days.
Upgrade every perk to level 3.
Upgrade every sentry and landmines to level 3.
Buy everything.
Kill 1000 enemies.
Kill 2000 enemies.
Survive 40 days.
Upgrade everything to level 3.