
orion1220's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,991 (From 275 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 33,240 Points

Square Jump City

Medals Earned: 3/5 (15/75 points)

100 Stars 5 Points

Get 100 stars total.

Fighter 5 Points

Send score to global Leaderboard.

Hearth 5 Points

Find your first bonus live in game.

1 000 Stars 10 Points

Get 1000 stars total.

10 000 Stars 50 Points

Get 10 000 stars total.

Stellar Squad

Medals Earned: 6/45 (30/490 points)

Armor 5 Points

5.000 Armor points destroyed

Killa 5 Points

Killed 100 bots

Lost 5 Points

25 Squadmates lost

Mass Killa 5 Points

Killed 1.000 bots

Stunned 5 Points

500 Bots Stunned

Victory 5 Points

First victory

Abilities 5 Points

200 Abilities used in combat

Action 5 Points

600 Action Points spent

Class 5 Points

160 Class changes performed

Crew 5 Points

150 Crew Points wasted

Crit 5 Points

300 Critical hits striked

Deflect 5 Points

600 Enemy shots deflected

Engineer 5 Points

300 bots killed by Engineer

Fire 5 Points

50.000 Shots fired

Flash 5 Points

200 Bots killed by Flash strike

Forcer 5 Points

400 bots killed by Forcer

Grenades 5 Points

150 Bots Stunned by Grenades

Hacked 5 Points

250 Bots hacked

Heal 5 Points

5.000 Damage healed

Heavy 5 Points

900 bots killed by Heavy

Igni 5 Points

200 Bots set on fire

Impulse 5 Points

100 Bots stopped by EM Impulse

Marines 5 Points

1.200 bots killed by Marine

Mines 5 Points

100 Bots stepped on Mines

Protection 5 Points

500 Shots deflected by Protection field

Rich 5 Points

Gained 25.000 credits

Rocket 5 Points

300 Bots killed by Rocket Strike

Shockwave 5 Points

400 Bots killed by Shockwave

Shootas 5 Points

Killed 1.000 ranged shooters

Slowed 5 Points

1.500 Bots slowed down

Upgrades 5 Points

100 combat upgrades placed

Veterancy 5 Points

500 Veterancy promotions gained

Act One 10 Points

Act one completed

Act Two 10 Points

Act Two completed

Challenge 10 Points

Completed Challenge

Damage 10 Points

1.500.000 Damage dealt

Hammerbots 10 Points

Killed 50 Hammerbots

Hard 10 Points

Completed Hard wave

Rockfella 10 Points

Gained 50.000 credits

Survive 10 Points

Survived with 1 Crew Points remaining

All Hard 25 Points

All Hard waves done in any Act

Nightmare 25 Points

Killed 10.000 bots

Act Three 50 Points

Act Three completed

All challenges 50 Points

All challenges completed

100 100 Points

100% Campaign completion

Strategic Ground Command

Medals Earned: 1/1 (50/50 points)

Victory 50 Points

Defeat the enemy

Sumo Rhythm Game

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/40 points)

Try Again 5 Points

You can do it! Once more!

Ok 10 Points

Alright, but you can do better!

Superb 25 Points

Great rhythm!

Super Batter Up! Challenge

Medals Earned: 8/10 (290/440 points)

First Bronze Achieved 5 Points

Beat a challenge with two strikes

First Silver Achieved 10 Points

Beat a challenge with only one strike

First Gold Achieved 25 Points

No strikes gets you this gold

Beat Bombs Away! 50 Points

Beat All Bombs Away challenges

Beat the Cage 50 Points

Beat all Cage challenges

Beat the Wall 50 Points

Beat all wall challenges

Defeat the Knight 50 Points

Beat the Night Fight challenge

Keeping it up 50 Points

Beat both Keep it up! Challenges

Defeat the Alien 50 Points

Beat the Alien Encounter challenge

Defeat the Sage 100 Points

Beat the Sage challenge

Super Gonad Smasher

Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/310 points)

Sea-man 10 Points

Defeat Vasekto's first form

Impotent 5 Points

Lose all your lives

Castrator Evader 10 Points

Defeat Vasekto's 2nd form

De-venomed 10 Points

Get spiked

Search and Destroy 25 Points

Blow up all roaming bots

Sperminator 25 Points

Defeat Vasekto's 3rd form

Seed Savior 50 Points

Defeat Vasekto's 4th form

Baller 100 Points

Beat the game without getting hit

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Sweet Rush

Medals Earned: 3/5 (40/115 points)

First Rescue 5 Points

Kill the first veggie

Flavorful 10 Points

Combine two topping

Rich Baker 25 Points

Have 2000 Money

Master Baker 25 Points

Combine each topping

Veggie Buster 50 Points

Defeat the final boss

Swipe Skate 2

Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/425 points)

Baby Steps 5 Points

Finish the tutorial.

Back Streets 5 Points

Unlock the Alley Level

Decked Out 5 Points

Equip a custom deck.

Just a Walk in the Park 5 Points

Unlock the Park Level

Upgraded 5 Points

Buy an upgrade with gold.

Warehouse Warrior 5 Points

Unlock the Warehouse Level

An Order of Magnitude 10 Points

Achieve a 10x score multiplier.

Half Pipe Hoarder 10 Points

Collect all the gold in the Half Pipe level in one round(Time Trial OR Free Skate).

All from the Alley 25 Points

Collect all the gold in the Alley level in one round(Time Trial OR Free Skate).

Hardcore Park-our 25 Points

Collect all the gold in the Park level in one round(Time Trial OR Free Skate).

Look Ma, No Hands! 25 Points

Achieve a 30x score multiplier.

Out of Stock 25 Points

Collect all the gold in the Warehouse level in one round(Time Trial OR Free Skate).

Twenty Times 25 Points

Achieve a 20x score multiplier.

Sweaty Palms 50 Points

Achieve a 40x score multiplier.

I Never Bail 100 Points

Achieve a 50x score multiplier.

Maximum Power 100 Points

Fully unlock all upgrades.

Switchy Square

Medals Earned: 4/19 (20/450 points)

First Quake 5 Points

Crashed first time. Don't worry, it is used to be shaky here.

First Switch 5 Points

First time switched one of the switches. How does your finger feel?

Impatient 5 Points

Switched the square 12 times before hitting a switch.

Lazy 5 Points

No, it won't reach any switches doing nothing.

Blind Quake 5 Points

Crashed at Blind Mode. Can you hear an earthquake?

Desperated 5 Points

Tried to switch the square 12 times outside the wire.

Kissy Square 5 Points

Checked the More Games. So kissy in there.

New Taste of Square 5 Points

Picked a new color. How does the new taste of the square?

The C Button 5 Points

Checked the Credit to know who and what are in there.

Blind Challenger 10 Points

Turn both colors into same colors. There is a special message if you do it right.

Small Quake 10 Points

Crashed after 20 switches switched. It is still fine...

Warm Switch 10 Points

Switched the switches 12 times. You have understood the switch better now.

Low Magnetism 25 Points

Switched 20 times while keeping both + & - at level 1 and 2 only in single round.

Never Look Down 25 Points

Switched upper switches only and switched them at least 20 times.

Never Look Up 25 Points

Switched lower switches only and switched them at least 20 times in single round in single round.

Big Quake 50 Points

Crashed after 48 switches switched. Are you okay?

Tiny Size 50 Points

Switched the switches 44 times. The real game has begun! Sharpen your eyes for the glory of the switches!

Horizon Eyes 100 Points

Switched the switches 64 times. Your eyes are switchy.

Sharp Sense 100 Points

Switched 12 times in Blind Mode in single round.


Medals Earned: 5/22 (50/480 points)

Banner Time 5 Points

Set 5 banners in a battlefield in a mission

My Precious! 5 Points

Open a treasure chest

Veni, Vidi, Vici 5 Points

Complete a mission with the Perfect rating

Justice of the Lord 10 Points

Issue all the basic edicts of the Duchy of Westaria

Test of Faith 25 Points

Use the ultimate spell 5 times in a mission

Epic Battle 5 Points

You squads must enter in the heroic state 20 times during a mission

General Mobilization 5 Points

Purchase 10 squads in a mission

Patronage of the Cult 10 Points

Issue all the basic edicts of the Icedales Cult

The Law of the Steppe 10 Points

Issue all the basic edicts of the Crimson Horde

Enchanted Kingdom 25 Points

Control 7 obelisks at the same time

Freedom of the North 25 Points

Complete the Icedales Cult campaign

From Hand to Hand 25 Points

Seize strongholds 10 times in a mission

Great Army 25 Points

Control 20 squads at the same time

Land of Artisians 25 Points

Control 7 mines at the same time

Onslaught 25 Points

Destroy 30 enemy squads in a mission

Peaceful Place 25 Points

Control 7 farms at the same time

Put It Into Treasury 25 Points

Collect 3000 gold in a mission

Rampage of the South 25 Points

Complete the Crimson Horde campaign

Valor of the West 25 Points

Complete the Duchy of Westaria campaign

The Great Khan 50 Points

Complete all the Crimson Horde missions with Perfect rating

The Holy King 50 Points

Complete all the Duchy of Westaria missions with Perfect rating

The Prophet 50 Points

Complete all the Icedales Cult missions with Perfect rating