
orion1220's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,991 (From 275 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 33,240 Points

Tangerine Tycoon

Medals Earned: 12/13 (110/160 points)

100 Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 100 tangerines

100k Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 100,000 tangerines

100M Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 100 million tangerines

10k Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 10,000 tangerines

10M Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 10 million tangerines

1k Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 1 thousand tangerines

1M Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 1 million tangerines

50 Tangerines 5 Points

Gain 50 tangerines

10B Tangerines 10 Points

Gain 10 billion tangerines

1B Tangerines 10 Points

Gain 1 billion tangerines

100B Tangerines 25 Points

Gain 100 billion tangerines

1T Tangerines 25 Points

Gain 1 trillion tangerines

100T Tangerines 50 Points

Gain 100 trillion tangerines

Taxi INC.

Medals Earned: 8/8 (230/230 points)

Taxi INC 5 Points

start the game

Tuned 5 Points

buy 3 radios

Driver 10 Points

hire 5 drivers

Turbo engine 10 Points

Perfect state motors

Gasoline 25 Points

buy 20 barrels

Yellow wheels! 25 Points

get 100 pps

Yellow mellow! 50 Points

get 1000 pps

Hey taxi! 100 Points

buy 40 taxis

The Anger Game

Medals Earned: 1/2 (50/75 points)

Love conquers anger 50 Points

Win The Anger Game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Bar - Chapter 1

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Chapter Complete 10 Points

Complete the first chapter of The Bar

The Blade Overlord

Medals Earned: 5/22 (35/500 points)

Double Killer 5 Points

Deal a Double Hit (2 hits with a single strike)

Just Heating Up 5 Points

Reach 10x Multiplier

Triple Basher 5 Points

Deal a Triple Hit (3 hits with a single strike)

Penta Crusher 10 Points

Deal a Penta Hit (5 hits with a single strike)

Tetra Punisher 10 Points

Deal a Tetra Hit (4 hits with a single strike)

Apprentice 5 Points

Score 5.000 or more in a single match

Full Focus 5 Points

Reach 25x Multiplier

Learning the Ropes 5 Points

Finish the Tutorial

Newbie 5 Points

Reach Level 3

Say Cheese! 5 Points

Buy an Avatar

Adept Swordsman 10 Points

Score 10.000 or more in a single match

Beginner 10 Points

Reach Level 5

Don't Forget to Blink 10 Points

Reach 50x Multiplier

My New Look 10 Points

Buy a Skin

Adept 25 Points

Reach Level 10

Adrenaline God 25 Points

Reach 100x Multiplier

Blade Expert 25 Points

Score 20.000 or more in a single match

Hexa God 25 Points

Deal a Hexa Hit (6+ hits with a single strike)

Blade Master 50 Points

Score 40.000 or more in a single match

Expert 50 Points

Reach Level 15

Master 100 Points

Reach Level 20

The Blade Overlord 100 Points

Score 80.000 or more in a single match

The Cabin

Medals Earned: 5/5 (80/80 points)

Boob-bot 10 Points

Why the hell would a robot need breasts?

Falcon Punch! 10 Points

How witty!

Shocking! 10 Points

Looks like you got the axe! Ha!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Evening Duck

Medals Earned: 2/3 (35/60 points)

sad duck 10 Points

You're a failure of a duck

presidential duck 25 Points

The duck that changed history

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Galactic Speedway

Medals Earned: 2/3 (30/130 points)

Take a Risk! 5 Points

Take a risk and start a new game!

Above Average! 25 Points

You are ABOVE AVERAGE at this game!

You are INCREDIBLE! 100 Points

It's tough as HELL to score above 500!

The Lair

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/300 points)

Knice! 5 Points

Beat the first stage.

Good Knight 10 Points

Complete the game!

Sword Lord 10 Points

Get an 8x combo.

Aight Knight 25 Points

Rank A or better at end of game on normal or harder.

Hard Day's Knight 25 Points

Complete game on Hard.

Shield Fiend 25 Points

Get through a level without losing any health.

Knigh Perfect 50 Points

Rank S at end of game on normal or harder.

Knightmare 50 Points

Complete game on Nightmare.

A Cold Knight in Hell 100 Points

Complete game on Hell.

The Lance!

Medals Earned: 3/4 (25/50 points)

Handle on things 5 Points

First Victory

Plays Lance A Lot 10 Points

Beat the Champ.

Scrooge McJoust 10 Points

Hoarde 1000Gold without spending it.

Horses For Courses 25 Points

Buy the best horse. What a bargain!