Total Medals Earned: 1,991 (From 275 different games.) Total Medal Score: 33,240 Points
Medals Earned: 19/22 (330/370 points)
Blue Kinda person eh?
Pick the blue
Click the blue button once
Pick the Green Button
Click the Green Button once
Click the Red Button once
Ugh! Light!
Pick the Yellow Button
Click the Yellow button once
Click the Yellow Button 5x
Click the blue Button 25x
Click the blue Button 50 times
Click it 50 times
Hands hurting eh?
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
My favourite colour too!
Medals Earned: 6/6 (110/110 points)
Shame on you, you're a bad person.
It was yearning for her sweet caress...
The Father is not pleased
Get it?
Yum, yum, war on terror!
You're a real smartster!
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/130 points)
Reach the 50 points.
Reach the 350 points.
Reach the 1000 points
Medals Earned: 21/21 (490/490 points)
Level Eight Completed
Level Five Completed
Level Four Complete
Level Nine Completed
Level One Completed
Level Seven Completed
Level Six Completed
Level Three Completed
Level Two Completed
Level Eighteen Completed
Level Eleven Completed
Level Fifteen Completed
Level Fourteen Completed
Level Nineteen Completed
Level Seventeen Completed
Level Sixteen Completed
Level Ten Completed
Level Thirteen Completed
Level Twelve Completed
Completed The Game
Completed The Game On HardCore
Medals Earned: 6/6 (40/40 points)
Get your first point.
Play with a friend.
A tie the game 2 times.
Gets 3 points.
Gets 5 points.
A tie the game 5 times.
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)
Gets 5 points
In just a game.
Gets 8 points
Gets 15 points.
Medals Earned: 6/9 (285/330 points)
Thanks for the help and the opinion of you.
Tie game 10 times.
miss 15 times.
tie game 20 times.
obtains 5 points.
obtains 8 points.
obtains 15 points.
Medals Earned: 13/15 (420/450 points)
Obtains 5 points.
Click the book.
Tie the game 10 times.
Buy the coins.
Buy the gift.
Lose the game 15 times.
Buy the ball.
Buy the x.
Buy the chest.
Buy the stone.
Buy the cannon.
Buy the potion.
Obtains 8 points.
Obtains 15 points.
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Try out some hats for size!
You've completed the tutorial
Complete all 8 levels
Medals Earned: 3/12 (40/325 points)
use all 3 weapons on one level
(Eat 10 chickens or more for one level
pass the level in less than 2 minutes
kill enemy with one hit
pass the level without losing a single life and not using any special weapon
use super weapon "Fire" 20 times or more for a single combat
pass the level without losing a single life
collect 100 coins or more for one level
use super weapon "Ice" 20 times or more for a single combat
kill the boss
use super weapon "Gargoyle" 20 times or more for a single combat
coffin with a vampire does not get damage